Ultimaker S5 & S3


Last week we had 2 new printers installed on the inner racks: Ultimaker S5 and Ultimaker S3

Ultimaker Documentation:

These printers are not for public use. They are to be used by the MIX Lab, MIX Lab student techs and approved special projects.

Each print on an Ultimaker requires approval from Iain or Jason first.

The purpose of these printers is for us to learn the technology. How Ultimakers operate as compared to the MakerBots. In the future we may transition from MakerBots to Ultimakers and this is the first step.

If you use the Ultimaker’s for any project, we need your feedback and input. We are interested in:

  • Learning how was it to prepare the print for the Ultimaker?
  • Easy, hard - why / what about it was easy or hard?
  • How did the prints come out?
  • Better or worse?
  • What was your overall experience?
  • Speed?
  • Reliability?

Share your experiences in this post. Be sure to denote the S3 vs S5… and be detailed.

Finally, we do not have a lot of Ultimaker Filament… so you must justify your use case.